= README = Last updated: 06.06.2017 == Download == The sources are available at https://www7.in.tum.de/~meggendo/artifacts/2017/atva_si.txz The archive has a SHA1 checksum of bb9efd3fd382ce2ad6ecb168b61565140234e9cc We recommend verifying the integrity of the archive. == Installation == In order to compile, simply cd into the prism subdirectory and run make. This should create a runnable script in prism/bin. For further details, see http://www.prismmodelchecker.org/manual/InstallingPRISM/Instructions == Usage == We added several command line switches to prism as outlined below. Example usages can be found further down. * -mecdec: This enables the general purpose MEC-decomposition approach * -mecreach : Solution method to use for the reachability query on the weighted MEC quotient. Possible values: * interval: Interval iteration (eps-precise) * valiter: Value iteration (potentially imprecise) * politer: Strategy iteration (precise) * -mecmpsoln : Method used to determine the gain of each mec. Possible values: * politer: Strategy iteration * valiter: Value iteration * -mcgbsysmethod : Gain/bias equation type / method for Markov Chains. Possible values: * full: Solve the standard linear equation system * compress: Solve the BSCC compressed equation system * scc: Use the SCC decomposition approach * -mdppimethod : Strategy iteration update type. Possible values: * full: Standard update * interleaved: Do bias update for all states which are gain-optimal * heuristics: Use gain heuristics before updating * attractor: Update all states to the best BSCC (only works on communicating models or together with MEC decomposition) * hybrid: Use hybrid between value iteration and policy iteration (only works on communicating models or together with MEC decomposition) Furthermore "-epsilon " is used as stopping criterion for all eps- precise methods, "-politer" specifies usage of startegy iteration. == Examples == In the following, we present some examples of the command line arguments. To run the method on a particular model, add " ". We included some sample models in the examples folder. # Value iteration + interval reachability with total error of 10^-12. -mecdec -mecreach interval -mecmpsoln valiter -epsilon 1e-12 # Standard strategy iteration -politer -mcgbsysmethod full -mdppimethod full -epsilon 1e-12 # Standard strategy iteration with interleaved update -politer -mcgbsysmethod full -mdppimethod interleaved -epsilon 1e-12 # Strategy iteration with BSCC compression -politer -mcgbsysmethod compress -mdppimethod full -epsilon 1e-12 # Strategy iteration with SCC decomposition -politer -mcgbsysmethod scc -mdppimethod full -epsilon 1e-12 # Strategy iteration with SCC decomposition and gain approximation -politer -mcgbsysmethod scc -mdppimethod heuristics -epsilon 1e-12 # MEC decomposition + strategy iteration + interval reachability -mecdec -mecreach interval -mecmpsoln politer -mcgbsysmethod full -mdppimethod full -epsilon 1e-12 # MEC decomposition + strategy iteration + strategy iteration reachability + interval reachability -mecdec -mecreach politer -mecmpsoln politer -mcgbsysmethod full -mdppimethod full -epsilon 1e-12 # MEC decomposition + strategy iteration with interleaved update + interval reachability -mecdec -mecreach interval -mecmpsoln politer -mcgbsysmethod full -mdppimethod interleaved -epsilon 1e-12 # MEC decomposition + strategy iteration with attractor update + interval reachability -mecdec -mecreach interval -mecmpsoln politer -mcgbsysmethod full -mdppimethod attractor -epsilon 1e-12 # MEC decomposition + strategy iteration with gain approximation improvement + interval reachability -mecdec -mecreach interval -mecmpsoln politer -mcgbsysmethod full -mdppimethod heuristics -epsilon 1e-12 # MEC decomposition + strategy iteration with BSCC compression + interval reachability -mecdec -mecreach interval -mecmpsoln politer -mcgbsysmethod compress -mdppimethod full -epsilon 1e-12 # MEC decomposition + strategy iteration with SCC decomposition + strategy iteration reachability -mecdec -mecreach interval -mecmpsoln politer -mcgbsysmethod scc -mdppimethod full -epsilon 1e-12