LiVe 2022: 6th Workshop on Learning in Verification


The success of machine learning has recently motivated researchers in formal methods to adapt the highly scalable learning methods to the verification setting, where correctness guarantees on the result are essential. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from the formal verification community that are developing approaches to exploit learning methods in verification as well as researchers from machine learning area interested in applications in verification and synthesis. The general topic of machine learning in verification includes, for instance,

Previous editions

The 1st edition was held as a satellite event of ETAPS 2017 on April 29, 2017, in Uppsala, Sweden. It featured 12 presentations and an invited talk by Kim G. Larsen (Aalborg University), who has an ongoing ERC Advanced Grant LASSO (Learning, analysis, synthesis and optimization of cyber-physical systems). The 2nd edition was held as a satellite event of ETAPS 2018 on April 20, 2018, in Thessaloniki, Greece. Apart from regular presentations, it featured two invited talks by Guy Katz (Stanford / Hebrew University) and Krishnamurthy Dvijotham (Google DeepMind) on verifying neural networks. The 3rd edition was held as a satellite event of ETAPS 2019 on April 6, 2019, in Prague, Czech Republic. It included invited talks by Bettina Könighofer and Kristian Kersting and industrial talks by Martin Neuhäusser (Siemens) and Vahid Hashemi (AUDI). The 4th edition had been postponed together with ETAPS 2020 and took place together with the 5th edition during ETAPS 2021 on March 27, 2021, as a virtual meeting. The invited was delivered by Martin Vechev and Matthew Mirman (both ETH Zurich).

Invited speaker

Invited talk will be delivered by


The workshop takes place on site in the room 00.08.038 (ground floor, building segment 8) of the Informatics building of TU Munich, Boltzmnnastr. 3, 85748 Garching, Germany, on April 2, 2022 (all times CEST).

The inofficial proceedings with all abstracts can be found here.

The discussion document is here.


Since the aim of the workshop is to stimulate discussion on the potential of learning techniques in verification and to report on recent advancements, we invite presentations of possibly already published as well as ongoing work. The submissions should be abstracts of such work, limited to at most two pages in the llncs style, and will only be published in the informal pre-proceedings for the convenience of the participants. There will be no formal publication or post-proceedings. The submission are to be done over Easychair.

Important dates:

In case of any questions, please contact the organizer Jan Kretinsky at <name>.<surname>

Looking forward to seeing you LiVe in Munich!